It’s no secret that the ever-evolving business world presents new challenges for leaders worldwide. How can you build high-performing teams? What leadership skills transcend borders or are effective in times of crisis?
In this seminar, Paul Dupuis, chairman and CEO of Randstad Japan, shares his leadership journey and the difference between a competent manager and a game-changing leader. He also shares the leadership muscles required to navigate the new world as outlined in his E5 model.
Additionally, Adam Gordon, director and faculty member at GLOBIS Corporation also shares his views on authentic leadership and the secrets to building high-performing teams. Adam gives his insights on the skills required in the new world based on both recent academic thought and years of global management experience.
They are both joined in dialogue by GLOBIS Unlimited’s own Senior Instructional Designer, Alexander Rewey, to discuss workplace trends, whether leaders can be friends with their employees, and what companies can do to navigate hiring and retention challenges.